Friday, 12 December 2014

What I've Been Watching

I like to sit down in the evenings when Jack has gone to bed and watch something on the TV or the laptop. Here are the six programs I've been watching lately. Some are old favourites while others are more new. 

CSI is something I have watched from the start. I loved Grissom and when they replaced him with Laurence Fishbourne, I kind of lost interest in it. I really disliked his character. However I persevered and now am loving it with Ted Danson. A good few of the originals have left. Most recently I read Nick is leaving (le sigh!) and I also read it's finishing next year ( weeps into pillow) to make room for CSI Cyber starring Patricia Arquette. The current series has a pretty good main story line staring Zack from Saved By The Bell as a complete nut job.

Greys Anatomy is another series I've watched for year. Past seasons I have loved but this season I am really not feeling. It kind of feels like the writers are just phoning it in. I would say this will be the second last if not last series. I hate when I series I love started going downhill towards the end. Oh and there is a new character in it that just plain annoys me.

Arrow is more the hubby's bag as he is a big DC fan. I really didn't think I would enjoy it but I have to say I am liking it. It doesn't do any harm that the lead character is easy on the eye and one of my favourite actors ( John Barrowman) has a recurring roll. Apart from that the storyline is quite edgy, a bit dark and is full of twists.

How To Get Away With Murder is the newest offering from the creator of Grey Anatomy. It centres around law students working with this strong manipulative lawyer. The storyline is good and full of twists. You think the episode is going one way, only for it to be turned on it's head. The timeline can be a bit jumpy but having just watched series 1, I'll definitely be watching the next season. 

Blue Bloods cannot be missed in my house. When I first heard of it, I knew I would love it for two simple reasons - Donnie Wahlberg and Tom Selleck! I love Tom Selleck so much, there are just no words. Every episode has a different storyline and family is of major importance. Definitely worth watching. 

Revenge is another one that has a fair few twists in it, sometimes a bit too many. I quite like the cleverness of the lead character,if not sometimes she borders on just plain crazy. How the writers came up with the idea for the show is beyond me. 

Let me know in the comments what you've been watching and if you watch any of these?

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

My Pregnancy Go To Products

I thought I would share with you all my pregnancy go to products that I have relied on over the last 30 weeks. Gosh! When I say it like that it seems like forever! I've included everything from skin to supplements to morning sickness.

Morning Sickness

I was really lucky this time and didn't suffer from much morning sickness. Part of this I am convinced is down to taking Vitamin B6. I took the Solgar brand. I also made sure to have a supply of bananas, ginger tea and mint tea in the house. Oh and if things got really bad I found Lucozade helped a lot but tried keeping it to a minimum cos it is full of sugar.

Pregnancy Supplements

Up until 12 weeks I took Clonfolic Folic Acid once a day, I then switched to Sanatogen Mum To be with Omegas, which is what I took last time but for whatever reason these did not agree with me espescially the Omegas. I felt rotten on them so switched to Pregnancare Original and Mumomega. So far I have not needed to take Iron and am hoping I will be able to avoid it as the side effects can be less than pleasant.

Stretch Marks

I have lots of stretch marks left from when I had Jack. I am a strong believer in that you can't really avoid them if they are in your genes but you can maybe minimise them. From about 12 weeks I have been using Holos Happy Momma Oil and really love it. It's not too oily and does a great job moisturising my skin. I think it is helping keep stretch marks under control.


I have a bit of difficulty sleeping the last while. This is down to a number of things going on in life plus as soon as I do get comfy in the bed, I will get a cramp on the side I am lying on. Meaning I toss and turn all night. Not good! However I have used Lisa Heeney's Pregnancy Bath Oil for relaxation. Find it fantastic in helping me de-stress and actually get a decent sleep. Looking on Lisa's website, I see there is one for nausea so if you are suffering from morning sickness, it could be worth a try. I definitely wish I knew about it before now. 

I also use a pregnancy pillow to help get comfy in the bed. I find it great to a point. It takes up a lot of room in the bed and half way through the night I kick it out. Up to that point though I find it helps take the pressure off and lets me get a little more chilled and comfortable. I picked mine up in Argos for €16.99

So there we are, those are my go to pregnancy products. If you have a little one, what products did you find helpful when you were pregnant or if you are pregnant what are you using?

Monday, 8 December 2014

The Christmas Tag

A few days ago the lovely Lilli White Rose tagged me in her Christmas tag. I was never really into Christmas that much but since having Jack and with this little one the way I find myself getting in to the spirit.

1. What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?
I love Miracle on 34th Street. Without fail watch it every year. No doubt there will be lots of kids christmas movies on in the house this year. 

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas eve or on Christmas morning?
Myself and hubby swap pressies Christmas Eve when Jack is in bed then Christmas morning we open his presents and open our presents for him.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
Without a doubt, it would have to be Jack's first christmas. He was only six months old and we dressed him up in an adorable Santa suit.

4. Favourite Christmas food
I love a traditional Christmas dinner, we usually go to my mums but this year I'll be doing all the cooking. With the help of hubby and little brother putting stuff in the oven. We go all out with turkey, ham and beef (for the dad) plus whatever drinks we all want and usually Christmas cupcakes/ chocolate biscuit cake made by yours truly

5. Favourite Christmas gift
I've been very lucky with Christmas presents but last years I really love. Hubby bought a me a fancy new camera and a Michael Kors watch. The watch is only taken out on very special occasions

6. Favourite Christmas scent
Nothing beats the smell of a real Christmas tree.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We pop a christmas movie on and have some treats. Then when Jack goes to bed, myself and hubby swap presents and then wrap Jack's presents.

8. What tops your tree?
A star.

9. As a kid, what was the one extravagant gift you asked for but never got?
A horse, Yes I know. Not exactly realistic but a girl can dream.

10. What’s the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my two men and my parents and brother. Next year there will be another addition to this and I can't wait!

I think pretty much everyone has done this tag but if you haven;t feel free to and send me our links