On Wednesday, I officially finished my 3 Day Detox from Juice Delivery Dublin. The aim of the detox is to eliminate any nasty toxins through drinking five juices a day without any food
Lately I have felt a bit run down, I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm tired a good bit of the time, this a mixture of having a little man who some nights doesn't sleep well and when he does I find myself wide awake at all hours of the morning. My diet also has a major part to play, I had been doing really well but I'm a classic emotional eater. With all the stress of finding out we had to move and finding somewhere to move to, I got lazy. So lazy, I put on a good bit of weight. Out of the weight that I put on, I had lost 5 lbs. I really want to get my weight down and am actively changing my diet. I'm also a picker, see if the little man leaves food I'm in there like swimwear. Something I'm not too impressed with.
I saw the juice detox as a great reboot and to be honest a good kick to my backside. I'd already kind of started a reboot with walking every day but I need a little push when it comes to eating more of the right stuff and avoiding the wrong stuff.
Was The Detox any good? Well lets start at the beginning.
Juice Delivery supply the juices frozen so each night you defrost the juices for the next day. Each bottle is clearly labelled Day 1 Juice 1, Day 2 Juice 3 etc and on the back are the ingredients of that juice. You have your apples, carrots, spinach, cucumber and beetroot making an appearance along with yellow peeper, kale and dome other good for you fruits and veg.
As you can see, there is a lot of cucumber and beetroot. Both are extremely good for you, but I must confess I am not the biggest fan of either so I was slightly dreading drinking them. Turns out they went too bad, in fact they were pretty tasty. There may have been one I struggled with but that's just me and my fussiness.
As you can see, there is a lot of cucumber and beetroot. Both are extremely good for you, but I must confess I am not the biggest fan of either so I was slightly dreading drinking them. Turns out they went too bad, in fact they were pretty tasty. There may have been one I struggled with but that's just me and my fussiness.
Day One: I'm firstly filled with dread. What if I don't like the juices? What if I'm hungry? Must remember to step on the scales… ok that's done. Day 1 I weigh 13 stone 3 lb exactly (eeeep!!!) - that just made me more determined!! The juices are spaced out by three hours. I miss food! Seriously girl, it's only day 1. Can I hide away? No? Ok push forward. The afternoon is better. I keep busy i.e I play with the little man, I go for a walk, I clean.After my last juice, I head to bed early to avoid watching my beloved food programmes, instead I catch up on blogs and youtube.
Day Two: I wake up feeling refreshed and make myself a hot water with lemon and sit down to drink my first drink of the day. I'm not hungry, not even a little. This is a miracle! I'm not craving anything. I weigh myself - 3 lbs gone!! This makes me happy. While checking myself in the mirror, I notice my stomach is a little flatter an the whites of my eyes are really clear. I see my mum today and the first thing she does is ask me what I have done to make my eyes so bright. Throughout the day my juices go down well and I'm still not hungry. I'm liking this.
Day Three: My last day. This makes me a little sad. I start the day like all other days. Today is tricky. The little man is up to Dublin for school so I need to bring the juices with me. That's grand, I just pop them into a bag and away I go. The tricky part is sticking to them while everyone around me is eating food I love. I'm not hungry, not really craving them but I'm still a little jealous.
By the end of Day Three, I'm completely converted to this juicing idea. I remind myself that I have a brand spanking new nutribullet that has been neglected since it's purchase. With this in mind, I make the decision to try have at least one juice packed with fruit and veg a day. Even better the hubby has decided to join me. I weigh myself and am shocked with the results - 5 lbs gone!!
But it's not all about weight, sure the weight loss is amazing but I feel better in myself. I have tons of energy and slept like a baby the last few nights. I'm usually wide awake until all hours or worse, I'll sleep to 5 and then wake up, unable to get back asleep. My stomach feels better, and flatter, my eyes are brighter. I feel really good. Something I haven't felt for a good while.
A three day detox from Juice Delivery costs 85 euro, sure it's spendy but when you think how many fruits and veggies you drink in the three days is it? I've stocked up and have spent a good bit on fruit and veg that may last three days. I also like how handy Juice Delivery is, you don't have to spend hours searching for recipes or using a juicer and having to wash it. For a quick boost to get the system going, I think it's a great idea and am already contemplating another three day before I head away.
My Overall Thoughts
If you decide to do a three day detox, I would recommend drinking plenty of water,at least 2 litres a day. I fill a 2 litre bottle up in the morning and add lemon. You will go to the toilet a lot, it can get a bit frustrating. Avoid food programmes, I sat down to watch Masterchef and couldn't watch it all. All the food looked lovely and made me miss it a little.When you come off the detox definitely start with light food. I had a teeny piece of homemade brown bread with soup yesterday and my stomach was cramping.
Have you or would you try a Juice Detox?
My Overall Thoughts
If you decide to do a three day detox, I would recommend drinking plenty of water,at least 2 litres a day. I fill a 2 litre bottle up in the morning and add lemon. You will go to the toilet a lot, it can get a bit frustrating. Avoid food programmes, I sat down to watch Masterchef and couldn't watch it all. All the food looked lovely and made me miss it a little.When you come off the detox definitely start with light food. I had a teeny piece of homemade brown bread with soup yesterday and my stomach was cramping.
Have you or would you try a Juice Detox?