Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Little Man Turns Two

Tomorrow is the little man's 2nd Birthday. I can't believe how fast the last two years have gone. It seems like only yesterday he arrived.
We have a jam packed day planned. First up is a trip to Dublin Zoo.
 We decided last year that we would always make this a just the three of us day every year on his birthday. Obviously this will change to a just the four of us day if we have another child.
*I'll do up a separate post of our trip to the zoo*
We plan on going to the Zoo quite early so we get out before lunch. For lunch, we are heading over to my folks and having a little party for him.
As far as presents go, we didn't buy him any clothes or toys because he has loads. What I did do however is order a plaque from Purrfect Plaques (Irish Owned) over on Facebook for his room.
Image Taken from Purrfect Plaques Facebook
I became a fan of the page ages ago and inspiration struck to get one made up. This baby cost me €14 including delivery and turnaround time was super quick. I paid for it on Monday and it arrived the Friday. I would definitely recommend them if you were looking for something a little bit different as a gift. The plaques are made to order and you can pretty much choose anything you like. I will definitely be ordering these for future Birthday presents.

Along with the plaque we also bought him a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Bed set.

I'm making the cake tonight where these will be put on


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