Thursday, 19 September 2013

#SBBC Day 19: Makeup Storage Dreams

I confess, I am a nightmare when it comes to storing my makeup. You can often find makeup in the bedroom, on the fireplace, on the kitchen table and in the kitchen. I am so bold. Lately I have been thinking more and more about makeup storage and have created this shopping list.
Storages Boxes €6-€12 from Dunnes
These would be really handy for storing lippies, mascaras and other few bits.
Alex €100

This is another option I could do, one I am more drawn to. While I love the storage boxes, this is more practical for the space I have in the house

What are your makeup storage dreams? Or if you have any ideas please share with me.

1 comment :

  1. Those boxes are amaze! God I love a good pretty storage box!!xx xx


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