Tuesday, 3 September 2013

#SBBC Day Three: My Most Sentimental Item

The choice of topics today for #SBBC was What You Bring When Travelling or a Sentimental Item. Having already posts similar travel related beauties, I decided to share my most sentimental item with you.
This ring was my Granny's, a ring she left for me in her will. The story behind this ring is so sweet. When my grandparents got engaged back in the day, my granddad couldn't afford an engagement ring. As time went on, my granny didn't ask him to get her one. Cut to almost 50 years later and he arranged with my dad to get her one as a surprise present. 
My granny loved the surprise and for the remaining years of her life, she never took it off. When she discovered my dad had helped, she told him and my mum that when the time came she wanted me to have the ring.
 I never knew any of this and when all the legal smegal stuff was sorted out, I was given the ring. I'll never forget the day, I was about 6 months pregnant, full of enough emotions and hormones that I burst into tears. Yellow gold isn't really my thing but because it was hers, I wear it everyday. When my fingers were are swollen thanks to the little man, I wore it around my neck. This ring means everything to me.
Have you got a sentimental item that you would never part with?


  1. What a wonderful story Anita,something totally irreplaceable x

  2. What a beautiful story! This even made me get a little teary, gorgeous ring too. Definitely something to hold onto forever!


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