Thursday, 11 September 2014

Sampling GlamGlow Tingling Exfoliating Mud Mask

For over two years, I have heard amazing stories about  GlamGlow Tingling Exfoliating Mud Mask. I've always wanted to try it but the price tag of almost €60 has put me off. Recently I picked up a sachet of it from the very kind folks at BeautyFeatures and like a moth to the flame I immediately applied it. 

I applied this while the little man was awake and though oh it might freak him out seeing me like this:

But he thought it was great craic, he even started singing "Mummy's got a dirty face" Gas what amuses a three year old!

First thing I will say is it definitely tingles and tightens your skin. I was quite surprised how quick it took effect. I left it on for the allotted ten minutes and on rinsing off my skin felt so clean and fresh. I was in awe of how bright my skin looked.

I really really love the mask but I keep coming back to the price tag. I have paid that on skincare back in the day but at the moment I'm not sure my budget will spread that far. This is definitely one for my Christmas list and I think I might add the thirsty mud on to it aswell.In fact, if I could I would put all their different masks on the list but I'm limiting myself

Have you tried any of the GlamGlow masks and if so do you think they are worth the price tag?

1 comment :

  1. I see people reviewing these all the time and I don't think any amount of positive commentary could make me buy it. €60 for a face mask is not worth it.



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