Tuesday, 30 September 2014

The Half Way Point - 20 Weeks Pregnant

Today marks the halfway point of my pregnancy. I seriously cannot believe how fast the time is going this time. When I was pregnant with Jack, the months went by so slow! I think they are going faster this time because between looking after him, blogging and other things, I barely have two minutes to sit down and fully relax.

Luckily this pregnancy has been easier on me too. I have very little morning sickness and what I had was easily managed with ginger tea, vitamin B6 and Bananas. I still get the odd attack of it but it's usually if I haven't had a decent nights sleep. Something that has happened a good bit the last week thanks to a cold. Unfortunately there is very little I can take for this pesky cold so it is taking longer to get rid of.  I have got rakes of energy though and moving around a good bit between walks and Jack insisting on the occasional dance. 

On Jack, I didn't feel any movement until 22 weeks but on this one I started feeling them as 16 weeks. I forgot how surreal that moment is when you feel the first kick. Going by all the kicks we either have a footballer or dancer on our hands. 

My checkups have been going well and thankfully my blood pressure hasn't sky rocketed so fingers crossed that stays the same. On occasion is has been a little over but when you are waiting 2 + hours to see a doctor I think that can be expected.

I'm flying next week,  something In was nervous about but the doctors have reassured me everything will be fine. When I get back I have my big scan. I loved this last time round as you get a longer look at babs. We found out what we were having on Jack so we will be doing the same this time. to be honest I don't really mind if baby doesn't cooperate once they are healthy. I have heard two different sides to finding out, most are ok with it, knowing it is our decision but some have had pretty strong feelings to people in general finding out. I am definitely of the school "Each to their own" 

I've haven't been quite good at resisting baby bits, with buying some bibs of Glitter Mama Shop and some insanely cute unisex baby sleep suits. I had forgotten how tiny the clothes were!!Over the next few months, I''l be going through Jack's baby clothes and seeing what I have. I'm also so glad I kept his baby bouncer, highchair and pram. All I need to repurchase is a steriliser and bottles. 


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