Tuesday, 10 September 2013

#SBBC Day 10: Beauty Pet Peeves

Today I'm talking about Beauty Pet Peeves. These are five things that happen to me on occasion that really frustrate me.
  • Having perfectly clear skin when I have a few days off only to wake up for work with a spot magically after appearing overnight.
  • Spending ages painting my nails only for it to chip or smudge five minutes later.
  • Resorting to using face wipes because I've run out of cotton wool or cleanser.
  • Being out and about only to realise I have no lipstick when I have a million lipsticks at home.
  • Spend ages straightening my hair only to go out and it starts raining - Curly Hair Syndrome soon follows
Do you share any of these or do you have any different ones?


  1. Oh smudging my nails after painting is definitely a pet peeve!


  2. The straightening one, oh gosh how that really gets to me.... Agreement with it all!

    1. It's so annoying :( Sometimes I wonder Why bother? lol

  3. That always happens-leaving lippies at home! Same happens to me with lip balms too!

    1. Happy to hear I'm not alone, nothing worse than forgetting a lippie


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