Friday, 13 September 2013

#SBBC Day 13: A Craft Project- Glitter Nail Polish

Since posting my DIY Nail Polish post, I have been playing around with nail polishes a lot. Today I wanted to share with you how to make Glitter Nail Polish.
For this, I am using solvent resistant glitters that I picked up online with a nail polish suspension base. The reason I have picked these two is so the glitter in the nail polish wont bleed and won't sink to the bottom.
I've made six glitter polishes. It's so easy to make just add a few scoops of glitter and Shake! Shake! Shake!

** I have decided to sell these glitter babies and have launched a nail polish store on Big Cartel, where you can pick these lovelies up. I have a couple of collections lined up and really hope you enjoy seeing them**


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