Wednesday, 10 December 2014

My Pregnancy Go To Products

I thought I would share with you all my pregnancy go to products that I have relied on over the last 30 weeks. Gosh! When I say it like that it seems like forever! I've included everything from skin to supplements to morning sickness.

Morning Sickness

I was really lucky this time and didn't suffer from much morning sickness. Part of this I am convinced is down to taking Vitamin B6. I took the Solgar brand. I also made sure to have a supply of bananas, ginger tea and mint tea in the house. Oh and if things got really bad I found Lucozade helped a lot but tried keeping it to a minimum cos it is full of sugar.

Pregnancy Supplements

Up until 12 weeks I took Clonfolic Folic Acid once a day, I then switched to Sanatogen Mum To be with Omegas, which is what I took last time but for whatever reason these did not agree with me espescially the Omegas. I felt rotten on them so switched to Pregnancare Original and Mumomega. So far I have not needed to take Iron and am hoping I will be able to avoid it as the side effects can be less than pleasant.

Stretch Marks

I have lots of stretch marks left from when I had Jack. I am a strong believer in that you can't really avoid them if they are in your genes but you can maybe minimise them. From about 12 weeks I have been using Holos Happy Momma Oil and really love it. It's not too oily and does a great job moisturising my skin. I think it is helping keep stretch marks under control.


I have a bit of difficulty sleeping the last while. This is down to a number of things going on in life plus as soon as I do get comfy in the bed, I will get a cramp on the side I am lying on. Meaning I toss and turn all night. Not good! However I have used Lisa Heeney's Pregnancy Bath Oil for relaxation. Find it fantastic in helping me de-stress and actually get a decent sleep. Looking on Lisa's website, I see there is one for nausea so if you are suffering from morning sickness, it could be worth a try. I definitely wish I knew about it before now. 

I also use a pregnancy pillow to help get comfy in the bed. I find it great to a point. It takes up a lot of room in the bed and half way through the night I kick it out. Up to that point though I find it helps take the pressure off and lets me get a little more chilled and comfortable. I picked mine up in Argos for €16.99

So there we are, those are my go to pregnancy products. If you have a little one, what products did you find helpful when you were pregnant or if you are pregnant what are you using?

1 comment :

  1. I used to find that a good hot bath with the lavender radox did wonders for the cramps, and right before bed helped with the sleeplessness ;) xx


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